Thorson Memorial Library maintains a strong curriculum of library programming & Materials for children.
- Children’s’ programming does not occur on holidays when the library is closed
- Children’s’ programming is canceled if West Central Area Schools are closed due to inclement weather
Summer Reading
- Keep children engaged in learning over the summer and avoid the summer slide
- Each summer during June & July we offer six weeks of enrichment activities.
- Thursdays time to be announced.
- Geared toward children ages birth through age 10 (everyone is welcome to attend)
- Featuring read-aloud stories, songs, crafts, games, activities, & snacks.
- Watch our Facebook page for videos, activities, and more information!
Special Events
Check-in with the library to learn about special activities such as classes, guest speakers, visiting authors, and workshops.
Special Collections:
Ready to Learn Backpacks are collections of materials related to a specific theme or concept to help build school readiness & social-emotional development skills. Each pack contains books, DVDs, and audios for children and adults. Ready to Learn Backpacks check out for 3 weeks and can be renewed. They are perfect for families, caregivers, and teachers. Click here for a list of our backpacks and their contents:
Free Online Ebooks are available through Libby (login with your library card), Ebooks Minnesota (available anywhere in Minnesota without a login), and at (this website allows you to choose from many different languages to narrate the book for you!)
The library also carries childrens’ books in Braille, Spanish, French, and ASL. Ask a librarian if you are interested in checking them out.
In house use:
Snap Circuit kits: seven kits that allow children (and adults) to build real working circuits.
We also have toys for building, exploring, creating, making, and imagining. Put on a puppet show, put together a puzzle, listen to books on audio, or find a cozy spot to enjoy books.
The library staff is dedicated to providing excellent library resources and enriching activities for children and their families. The library works closely with local schools, is a member of our family services collaborative, The Child & Youth Council, and the Early Childhood Initiative. Library employees regularly attend training and workshops related to early literacy and educational activities.